Mesothelioma foundations rely on grants and other donations to achieve their mission. There are numerous mesothelioma foundations designed to help people suffering from the condition. Foundations provide information regarding the latest cures and treatments, patient support, legislative lobbying and patient education. Mesothelioma foundations work to find a cure for this fatal disease. Several foundations and their offerings will be discussed in brief.
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Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
This particular foundation offers high quality and promising research projects internationally. The patients are paired with mesothelioma experts to obtain more information about leading edge treatment options. This information can significantly prolong the life of individuals suffering from this condition. Foundations also have people that will advocate in Washington D.C. for federal mesothelioma research funding.
This particular foundation has several oncologists on the staff, in addition to thoracic surgical oncologist specialists and a cancer geneticist. This foundation claims to lead to the cure for mesothelioma. The foundation leads research for an angiogenesis drug called Veglin. The drug has shown success in blocking tumor growth in patients suffering from lymphoma, sarcoma, colon and lung cancers.
Asbestos litigation specialists are also on staff. Some have insurance backgrounds and relationships with unions. The foundations understand all aspects of the mesothelioma and can help family and patients suffering. This particular foundation also has access to law firms and other charity organizations.
This foundation will also serve as a voice for asbestos victims and unite asbestos victims. They will ban the use of asbestos and also help to aid people in finding early detection, prevention and cure.
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization
The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADOA) also helps families find adequate treatment, fair compensation and the right to file suit. This company has no financial or political ties to drug companies, asbestos companies or law firms. The organization is funded through voluntary contributions and staffed by volunteers.
The organization has participated in Senate testimony sessions, asbestos disease presentations and global conference participation. ADOA developed videos, written resources and slide shows to promote public education. Their staff includes an Assistant Surgeon General of the United States and other experts.
Mark Buttitta Memorial Foundation for Research
The Mark Buttitta Memorial Foundation for Research is an organization that recognized the need for lobbying for mesothelioma awareness because of its low incidence and the vulnerability of the victims. The organization worked with the National Institute of Health to facilitate research to find a cure for mesothelioma.
Kati’s Hope
Asbestos exposure information is provided by Kathleen Maloney, a founder of the foundation. She is a victim of asbestos exposure and the daughter and niece of two victims of asbestos. She was exposed to asbestos from dust on her father’s clothing. This foundation helps to cover the expenses that are not covered by insurance companies. Donations are stored in the Breath Bank. Volunteers from the organization will assist victims in their homes when they cannot assist themselves.
Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America
The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America raises money for asbestos cancer research. The foundation focuses on clinical trials of Veglin for the treatment of mesothelioma. The volunteers of mesothelioma often receive financial aid and qualify for other government sponsored programs. The amount of information provided by this organization is indispensible for victims.
The mesothelioma foundations can provide a wealth of information for patients battling the disease. Patients find a wealth of information from the one stop resource at the mesothelioma foundations. If you or a family member is affected by mesothelioma, consider foundations as a resource.
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