Mesothelioma is a serious, often malignant form of cancer that was once considered an inscrutable mystery by patients and doctors alike. For years individuals were taken off guard by the clandestine nature of this disease, its symptoms virtually non-existent during its long latency period. Only in recent years have scientists and medical professionals begun to decipher the causes and effects of this malevolent cancer.
It is widely believed that in the course of the next few years, more and more mesothelioma cases will begin to crop up, resulting from asbestos exposure decades prior. Many of these people will have worked in shipyards, construction, schools, or in the United States Armed Services. Having spent their lives working in these unknowingly toxic environments, they will only now begin to experience the first symptoms of this debilitating cancer. Worse yet, it is possible families, friends, and loved ones have also been exposed this natural mineral as well.
The goal of this web site is to create an informative mesothelioma compensation and asbestos database, where facts, definitions, resources, testimonials, and current events can be accessed regarding this relatively nascent disease. The database will not only help individuals gather information and statistics about the disease, but also serve as a forum for news and medical breakthroughs as they are being developed. Through knowledge and education patients can better understand their own plight and put together the foundation for realistic hope and progress.

It is widely believed that in the course of the next few years, more and more mesothelioma cases will begin to crop up, resulting from asbestos exposure decades prior. Many of these people will have worked in shipyards, construction, schools, or in the United States Armed Services. Having spent their lives working in these unknowingly toxic environments, they will only now begin to experience the first symptoms of this debilitating cancer. Worse yet, it is possible families, friends, and loved ones have also been exposed this natural mineral as well.
The goal of this web site is to create an informative mesothelioma compensation and asbestos database, where facts, definitions, resources, testimonials, and current events can be accessed regarding this relatively nascent disease. The database will not only help individuals gather information and statistics about the disease, but also serve as a forum for news and medical breakthroughs as they are being developed. Through knowledge and education patients can better understand their own plight and put together the foundation for realistic hope and progress.
Legal Options For Mesothelioma Patients:
Mesothelioma strikes thousands of individuals each year as a result of asbestos laden products and environments. While the effects of asbestos and cancer were linked for many years, manufacturers continued to negligibly use the substance in construction or insulation for their buildings. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or an asbestos related malady, you may have a legal right to compensation. Speaking with a qualified mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine whether or not you have grounds for litigation. Recently, mesothelioma lawsuits have helped thousands of sick patients receive financial assistance to help cover the surfeit of medical expenses and lost income.
As mesothelioma is a cancer almost exclusively caused by excessive asbestos exposure, many sufferers are victims of manufacturer negligence. There is evidence to support that most companies were aware of the health risks concerning the material as early as in the 1920s. However, as the product was highly profitable and no federal mandate had yet been set, companies chose to ignore the problem, neglecting to inform their employees of the increased risk.
By the 1940s, anecdotal correlation led to further medical studies, which eventually established a clear and undeniable link between asbestos exposure and catastrophic lung disease. In spite of this now established knowledge, mesothelioma still exists today due to unethical corporate practices that sought to maintain high profit margins through the use of the cheap and abundant material. It isn't until recently that this corporate scandal has been made public, and in many cases these businesses have been found financially liable for the pain and suffering they have caused their employees.
A mesothelioma compensation lawyer centers their practice around the litigation of these companies, and should be able to determine whether or not they are culpable. By filing a claim against these entities, a victim can receive compensation for the costs and emotional suffering they incurred as a result of being diagnosed with mesothelioma. The following is a list of potential compensation:
- Wages Lost
- Medical Expenses
- Travel Costs Related To Treatment
- Other Costs Not Covered By Health Insurance
- Support Groups
- Funeral Expenses
A good mesothelioma compensation lawyer will be fully aware of any expenses and additional costs that could arise as a result of a patient's diagnosis. This is why it is critical to save all medical and financial records regardless of whether they appear pertinent. Generally, besides from answering questions as to how the asbestos exposure took place, the claimant will not be involved in any stages of the case. Mesothelioma lawyers are aware that the a client is likely too enervated from the effects of the disease to undergo the stress and battle of filing a lawsuit or attending a long, embittering trial. As a result, mesothelioma lawyers handle all aspects of a case.
Types Of Mesothelioma Litigation
Normally there are 2 types of mesothelioma lawsuits. The first is a wrongful death suit, filed by the family members of an individual who has prematurely lost their life as a result of an asbestos related illness. The second is a personal injury claim, where the sufferer is the one who files the suit. The details of these lawsuits can vary depending on the state and county where the litigation is filed.
Furthermore, employees of companies are not the only individuals who can file a claim against an asbestos manufacturer. Individuals who experienced secondary exposure as a result of a friend or family member who worked with asbestos may also have a claim.