There are different types of mesothelioma, which is a rare type of cancer that affects the mesothelium, a membrane lining many cavities and organs in the body. Pleural mesothelioma is the type that affects the pleural membrane that lines the lungs. It is the most common type, accounting for between 70% and 75% of all cases of the disease (1).
According to AsbestosNews.com, asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma (2). Its microscopic fibers get into the body in a variety of ways, especially through inhalation. Once the fibers get lodged, the body has no way to expel them. Anyone who has been exposed to the fibers is always at risk.
When the asbestos fibers reach the pleural membrane, they start to transform the cells in a gradual process that may take more than 2 decades. The transformation leads to scarring and formation of tumors in the lungs. The multiplication of the cancerous cells results in the buildup of fluid between the pleural layers and reduction in lung capacity.
Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms
The buildup of fluid creates pressure on the respiratory system and interferes with normal breathing. This leads to such symptoms as:
• Shortness of breath, which persists even when the patient is resting.
• Painful breathing or persistent pain in the rib area.
• Difficulty in swallowing.
• Coughing blood.
• Persistent raspy or dry cough.
• Fatigue
• Unexplained weight loss.
• Fever or night sweat.
• Lower back pain.
• Swollen face or arms.
• Lumps that develop on the chest under the skin.
Since these symptoms are similar to those of many common diseases, it is easy to take them for granted until the condition worsens.
Different methods may be used to manage pleural mesothelioma, including radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. In general, the treatments are usually costly. A complete lung treatment may cost as much as $1.5 million. It is therefore important for those affected to file for compensation, particularly considering that many people are exposed to asbestos in their work environments.
It is believed that a number of people in corporate management were well aware of the risks associated with asbestos from as far back as the 1940s. Unfortunately, the current criminal codes do not consider the cover-up that has taken place over the years as criminal.
Never the less, the way corporations disregard human life in their pursuit for profitability, which is considered their first priority, provides a legitimate ground for civil action. This basis gives those affected the opportunity to hold the corporations accountable for their malfeasance.
The Bill of Rights contains some important amendments that protect ordinary citizens against arbitrary deprivation of liberty. This is especially important considering that the criminal justice system in the US gives those accused a lot of room to defend themselves.
Civil law, on the other hand, gives citizens the right of challenging the government and given policies. Civil law also covers the law that deals with damages, losses and injuries associated with negligence and accidents, which is known as torts. This is where people can take legal action against asbestos exposure.
However, it requires a skilled asbestos lawyer to help those affected to get the required compensation when they are affected by pleural mesothelioma.
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